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What Experts say about our Projects

From: Daniel P. Raymer, Ph.D.

"...I opened it up and started flipping through the hard copy. Wow - your students are amazing. 每个项目看起来都像臭鼬工厂做的一样专业. The designs look wild but credible, and the CAD work is excellent. And as far as the CAD work goes - absolutely first rate. So, feel free to send next year's offerings as well."

Best regards,
- Daniel P. Raymer, Ph.D. President, Conceptual Research Corp.

From: Dr. John E. Bradford

A few general quotes:

"... compared with the prior year, this is a huge leap."
"I think that all the teams should be proud of their hard work."
"Neat concept. I'm sure the Navy would love to have one (or two)!"
“我不敢相信你们的人在这个镜头中使用了非常逼真的布料. That is very advanced."
"The landing gear and engine pivoting sequence is fantastic."
"Overall, great animation, as it seemed short, realistic, and you tended to focus on your strong points, the single angle shot of the craft lifting off, then again landing."
"Great job!"
"The landing gear renders are awesome."
"Great lighting. I also really like the front, side, top view shots."
"Great composition and layout. "
“这个概念可能是最现实的,与我们正在为空军积极研究的一些概念非常相似. "
"We would hate to have to grade anyone on these projects. It was clearly a lot of good work. Congratulations to all teams, we were impressed!"

Best Regards,
- Dr. John E. Bradford, President
SpaceWorks Engineering
"Engineering Today, Enabling Tomorrow..."

Office: 1+770.379.8007
Fax: 1+770.379.8001
Mobile: 1+770.402.5063
E-mail: john.bradford@sei.aero
Website: www.sei.aero Nationally

From: Dr. Mark Lewis

Thanks again for the opportunity to review your students' work. And apologies for the delay in closing the loop with you.

我将从一个总体评论开始——这些项目中的工作非常出色. I am impressed by the attention to detail, the focus on presentation, and the familiarity with current timely subjects in aeronautics. 很明显,你的学生们做了一项彻底的工作,在文献中搜寻了一些最新和最伟大的航空航天进展. 我知道他们不是作为航天工程师来参与这些项目的, and so that makes the work all the more noteworthy. 它的图像质量和机械部件的渲染效果与我在工业界或学术界看到的任何例子一样好.

Some specific details on the projects:
Poseidon is an innovative hybrid air/water vehicle. 几十年来,能够在两种媒体中运行的单一飞行器的想法吸引了工程师和作家的想象力, and the practical advantages of such a vehicle would be great indeed. In fact, 最近,人们对这种用于国防用途的混合飞行器重新产生了兴趣, including unmanned aircraft that might deploy from a submarine.

你的学生在考虑与这种混合工艺相关的行业方面做得很好. They have thought through the need for dual propulsion, 这些系统可能需要什么,它们可能被安置在哪里. The thought about hydrofoil design and deployment is especially good. They have also thought through the use of materials; carbon fiber is in fact a good choice, as it provides high strength at low weight, and also has the stiffness required for water operation. Work on the propulsion system is quite impressive.

The VX-1 Stinger vehicle is obviously derived from stealth aircraft, 也反映了现代军用飞机设计的最先进水平. 特别有趣的是,学生们选择将隐形几何形状与垂直升力相结合. 这也从一些及时的,令人兴奋的方向在航空航天领域. 学生们还仔细考虑了这种飞机的任务含义.

特别值得注意的是对推力杆内部结构设计的细心和细节. 学生们对组件布局的想法非常周到, internal arrangement, fuel supply, etc. 详细的发动机位置,位置,特别是矢量喷嘴是优秀的. Renderings on the lift-fan system are eye-watering. 特别的荣誉也与武器的选择有关的周到, including the detailed rendering of the Hellfire.

A few other comments – The Stinger seems to be a stealthy platform. 请注意,外部存储装置的安装将倾向于增加飞机的雷达横截面, so one might consider including an internal storage bay instead. 还要注意升降机风扇的存在,以及相关的铰接等. would also tend to increase a radar cross-section. 人们可能也想知道这种具有垂直起降能力的飞机的操作效用. That might not be worth the weight penalty of a lift-fan system. However, 学生们仍然在思考多种技术的融合!

The HTX-4 Venom is a vehicle after my own hypersonic heart. 学生们对目前的高超音速项目进行了深入的研究, and thinking how they might lead to larger, more capable vehicles. 所选择的具体配置似乎遵循了所谓的“乘波器”设计, 最大限度地利用在高速下形成的冲击波,实现有效的高超音速飞行. 特别值得注意的是起落架的详细设计——有时起落架等细节将决定设计的成败. 学生们还考虑了包括控制系统, 并选择了一种联合循环系统,它将达到超燃冲压发动机的速度.

- Dr. Mark Lewis
President, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
and Willis Young Prof. and Chair,
Department of Aerospace Engineering

- A. James Clark School of Engineering
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-1133   lewis@eng.umd.edu

From: Pete Roberts

“我把利维教授的学生的工作与我的团队的工作质量进行了比较. 我对设计工作的细节和复杂性印象深刻. The modeling was excellent and the texturing was even better. 基于我所看到的,我可以轻松地雇用这三个学生作为我团队的设计师. All three students have a very bright future ahead of them."

"Please stay in touch. I do love to see what your students are working on. I really appreciate being included in that process."

- Pete

From: Doug Scott

"The presentation you forwarded me is very impressive. 这是惊人的(和有点可怕的)信息是在公共领域的弗吉尼亚级潜艇的数量. 当然,3D建模和可视化是当前和未来几乎所有设计的工具. There are very few things as complex as our warships."

"Your team has done an excellent job, not only in modeling but in the presentation of the project. 很明显,你的团队所展示的高级设计需要做很多工作. 这个团队有我们正在寻找的那种人成为我们的设计力量的一部分. 3D建模和仿真为我们节省了数百万美元,而不必构建物理模型. The 3D model not only allows us to visualize the design, 但也允许我们开发制造过程/序列基于能够看到一个完整的设计是如何结合在一起的. Very Well Done!!!"

- Doug Scott, E10
Submarine Engineering & Design Programs
B600/1 - lobby

Engineering Design Technology Contact Information

关于工程设计技术的一般问题和要求应直接联系Jeff Levy 1-866-462-6722, extension 4362, or (540) 674-3600, extension 4362.
You may also email jlevy@bjseiwooeng.com.

Engineering Design Technology Faculty

Call (540) 674-3600 or toll-free 1-866-462-6722, 然后,系统会提示您添加分机号码,以便联系任何员工.

Douglas Conner


Adjunct Instructor

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Jeff Levy


Instructor of Drafting/EDT Program Head

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Zach Wehr


Adjunct Instructor

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